What Is the Best Water Softener Salt?

What Is the Best Water Softener Salt?

You’ve invested in softened water … congratulations on making a wise decision! Without the best salt, however, you may not be getting the most out of your water softening system. Salt matters, as we say in the business. You may have already noticed a difference...

Extending the Life of a Water Heater

Appliances in your home don’t come cheap and with the quantity that you’re responsible for as a homeowner, you want them to last. Part of helping your appliances, especially those that utilize your home’s water, means paying attention to the quality and hardness of...

Water Softener Saves You Money

Between high utility bills and buying extra soaps and detergents just to do their job, hard water costs a lot, both in the short-term and the long-term. Anyone who lives with hard water and doesn’t enjoy the many benefits of a water softener will tell you that hard...

The Pain of Hard Water Stains

If you, like many other people around the country, are living with hard water and do not currently enjoy the many benefits of one of our water softeners, then you know all about water stains and hard water spots left on your dishes and glassware. From drinking glasses...