Salt-Free Water Conditioners Explained

With all of the water treatment systems that we offer, we are constantly asked about the difference between water softeners and salt-free water conditioners. There are some differences but both water systems are effective at doing their job. Water Softening is the act...

Soft Water Equals Healthy Skin

Ladies, and yes even gentlemen, picture this; a deep tub, filled with steaming hot water and a cloud of bubbles swaying on the surface just waiting for you to sink in and soak all your cares and troubles away … Mmmm delightful!!  It’s shocking I know that something so...

Before You Take a Hot, Steamy Shower…

Drinking tap water isn’t the only concern these days. Most consumers are aware that there are many situations where drinking water from the tap is contaminated and can cause serious health issues. But did you realize that contaminated shower water could actually be...