Soft Water Equals Healthy Skin

Ladies, and yes even gentlemen, picture this; a deep tub, filled with steaming hot water and a cloud of bubbles swaying on the surface just waiting for you to sink in and soak all your cares and troubles away … Mmmm delightful!!  It’s shocking I know that something so...

Healthy Skin Comes from Healthy Water

A new online article reminds us all of the health benefits of consuming water. Everyone who drinks water can tell you they just “feel better,” but what many people don’t know if how or why they feel and look better just from drinking plenty of water each day. Water is...

Softened Water Cuts Household Expenses

Every household in America has clothes and dishes that need washed most every day and on everyone’s grocery list laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent seem to take priority. Imagine if you could get by on less detergent – even half of what you use now. That...

Choose The System That Really Makes A Difference

The last few years have brought legislative and environmental changes to water treatment in our state. Here in California, we are plagued with hard water, but because of the environmental effects of traditional salt-dumping water softeners, many of us have had to...

Now THAT’S Hard, Escondido!

Here in Escondido, we are well acquainted with hard water. We know that our faucets and shower doors get water spots and that crusty white film, it takes a whole handful of shampoo to really get bubbles in our hair, and we have to drain and flush our hot water heater...