Apr 13, 2017 | Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Reverse Osmosis
Most homeowners purchase a reverse osmosis system (RO) in order to have access to safe, great tasting drinking water for their home or office. If you’re not sure if you need a water filtration system, contact your local water supplier, and ask them to test your water....
Sep 13, 2016 | Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Health, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis
So you want to drink plenty of high quality drinking water at home, but you don’t want the cost or plastic waste of bottled water (good for you!) and you don’t want to lug around those big, heavy water cooler bottles from the purchase site to home. We don’t blame you!...
Jul 7, 2016 | Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Health, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Water News
Lead in drinking water can be very tricky because the only way to know if your tap water contains lead is to have it tested. While most communities have their levels of lead monitored, some homes around the country are facing serious health effects due to high levels...
May 31, 2016 | Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Hard Water Solutions, Reverse Osmosis, Soft Water
We’re pretty proud of the variety of water treatment systems we offer households, but we also think our selection of commercial water systems are also pretty impressive. From commercial water softeners to water coolers, your business or commercial setting can enjoy...
Mar 28, 2016 | Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Water News
With plenty of drinking water inventions on the market these days, some are bound to change our lives. Some are eco-friendly, some are good at doing their jobs and with enough research, some will do both. Our drinking water systems use the best water...
Feb 29, 2016 | Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Water, Water News
As crazy as it sounds, due to heavy industrial and environmental pollution, the majority of our tap water and well water here in the United States contains some level of contamination. These contaminates range from naturally occurring minerals and elements found in...