Understanding the Connection Between Drinking Water and Heart Health

Aug 7, 2024

When you think about having a strong cardiovascular system, what comes to mind? For many people, it’s eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight. But did you know that drinking water and heart health are also connected?


What’s the Link Between Drinking Water and Heart Health?

The heart is a hardworking muscle that pumps blood throughout the body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. Drinking enough water is essential for this process to happen effectively. Here are three ways that drinking water impacts heart health:


  • Blood Volume and Pressure: Did you know that water makes up more than 50% of your blood’s volume? When you hydrate properly, your body can maintain enough blood for efficient system functioning. This, in turn, helps your body keep blood pressure within a normal range.


Conversely, if you don’t drink enough water, your body holds onto sodium in an effort to conserve water. This causes blood pressure to rise and over time, can impair overall heart health.


  • Heart Rate and Cardiac Output: Dehydration can cause the heart to work harder to pump blood, leading to an increased heart rate. This extra effort can be taxing on the heart, especially in individuals with pre-existing heart conditions. By drinking enough water, you help your heart maintain a steady rhythm and efficient cardiac output.


  • Blood Viscosity: Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated keeps blood at the right consistency. Think of it in terms of the Goldilocks principle: when blood is neither too thick nor too thin, it’s just right. When blood is the right viscosity, it flows easily, contributing to efficient heart function.


In contrast, thick blood is the result of dehydration. As blood thickens, it’s more difficult to pump and the heart must work harder. Thick blood can lead to an increased risk of heart attacks, clots, or strokes.


Drinking Water and Heart Health: The Exercise Connection

As you can see, simply drinking enough water can impact heart health in positive ways. But staying hydrated is also important for another heart-healthy activity … exercise. While following a regular exercise routine can contribute to a healthy heart, drinking water can help you maximize the benefits you get from staying active. Here’s why drinking water matters when you work out:


  • Temperature Regulation: Water aids in regulating body temperature through sweating. Staying properly hydrated keeps you from getting overheated, enabling you to exercise safely and effectively.


  • Muscle Function: Your body’s muscles require water to function properly and efficiently. When they don’t get enough, you’ll experience cramping and fatigue. Boost your performance and minimize heart strain by staying properly hydrated before, during, and after your workouts.


  • Recovery and Endurance: Drinking water before, during, and after exercise helps maintain endurance and aids in recovery. This ensures your cardiovascular system isn’t overburdened by prolonged dehydration.


Get Safe, Great-Tasting Drinking Water for Heart Health and Everyday Enjoyment

While the quantity of water you drink daily certainly matters, it’s equally important to pay attention to water quality.


First, let’s talk about taste. If your tap water at home doesn’t taste very good, it’s highly unlikely you’ll drink enough of it to stay adequately hydrated. Or, you may choose bottled water as an alternative, a choice that’s not ideal for you or the environment.


Second, let’s talk about drinking water safety. Think back to the last time you got your tap water tested. Do you remember when that was? If not, who knows what’s lurking in your drinking water? Even if your water tastes great, it can still contain bacteria or other contaminants that are harmful to your health.


So, how do you get water that tastes great AND is safe to drink? We recommend a home drinking water system, even if your water comes from a municipal source. While municipal water IS tested yearly, it can still become contaminated and sometimes, the contamination isn’t detected until it’s too late.


At RWI Water Systems, we’re committed to helping you get pure, drinking water right at home. It’s all made possible with our affordable reverse osmosis drinking water systems. You’ll enjoy convenient, safe, and great-tasting water right from your tap – no need to use expensive bottled water that eats up your weekly grocery budget!


It’s time to make drinking water and heart health a priority and you can start by giving us a call! Our expert water treatment technicians can help you find the best water treatment system for your home. Then, you can benefit from the long-term effects of healthy hydration. Cheers to safe, great-tasting water and a healthy heart!

Ready to talk to one of our experts about improving YOUR water?

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