Lead in Drinking Water Making Everyone Nervous

Mar 8, 2016

Lead in drinking water is a public safety concern. WQA-certified master water specialist John Woodard explains in this video that people who live with tap water from city water supplies should be concerned about lead as a drinking water contaminant. He states that lead is the leading healthcare concern for small children and its devastation is irreversible. If you’re living without a home drinking water system home drinking water system or other type of water filter, you’ll want to continue reading on the topic of lead in your drinking water and why you should consider protecting your family with home water treatment systems.

Lead gets into the water in the distribution system. Its contact with lead is where the problem occurs. The majority of lead contamination comes from the pipes, plumbing, and fixtures that deliver your drinking water, especially those built before 1986 when lead in construction was banned.  A municipal water treatment plant usually does a good job of filtering the water, but beyond that, outdated infrastructure like old lead pipes is where the lead typically gets into your drinking water and creates health concerns.

Homeowners with young children should be especially nervous. Lead ingestion and lead poisoning pose serious threats to human health; consuming lead causes irreversible neurological and development damage. This typically means learning, behavioral and developmental issues. Lead poisoning can also lead to severe damage to the immune system, bones, and teeth.

Removing lead from your drinking water can be done when need be. Your public utility company should provide you with a water quality report where you can see if your water contains unsafe levels of lead. If this is the case, or you simply want to be proactive when it comes to drinking water contamination, you can filter water from your home’s tap, too. This is a good idea because your water company tests the water that is at their facility, before it comes into contact with your home’s pipes when contamination may actually occur.

Given the situations around the country, from Flint, Michigan to Hoosick Falls, New York, lead poisoning happens and is wreaking havoc. As Woodard points out in the video, even homes receiving water from a well-managed municipal water authority can have high lead levels in tap water under certain conditions caused by aging or damaged pipes carrying the water into, or within the home. The video also mentions the concerns people have about harmful bacteria found in water, such as those causing E. coli or Legionnaire’s disease. To protect your drinking water, contact our water treatment technicians. Our water treatment company offers water testing to see which of our products you could benefit from. Our reverse osmosis drinking water systems offer effective and efficient filtration for an affordable cost – cost much less than the potential risk of lead poisoning. To learn more about lead contamination in drinking water, watch the video here https://www.freshwatersystems.com/s-289-lead-in-water.aspx.


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