Is Hard Water Costing You Money?

Is Hard Water Costing You Money?

With the price of everything going up, up, UP, we could all use a few tips on how to save money here and there. If you have hard water, it could be costing you hundreds of dollars every year! Two tell-tale signs of hard water are white scale buildup around your...
Water Flow Rate vs. Water Pressure

Water Flow Rate vs. Water Pressure

Is there a rule in your home on how many people can use water at once? Maybe the rule is you shouldn’t run the washer while someone is taking a shower, or they will have a cold, weak shower. But, maybe you notice a weak trickle of water from the faucet for no reason....
How Does a Water Softener Save You Money?

How Does a Water Softener Save You Money?

Today’s cost-conscious consumer is often looking for ways to make their home more efficient. Sometimes, they’re simply looking for ways to save time or energy. In other cases, the end goal is saving a little (or a lot) of their hard earned money. That brings us to...