Apr 30, 2012 | Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Health, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Water, Water News
It’s quite startling, and questionable in this great nation – how can our communities, rich or poor, be plagued by sewage in their drinking water? The United States has some of the best water systems in the world, yet a recent article from the Fresno Bee...
Mar 12, 2012 | Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Health, Impurities Found in Drinking Water, Reverse Osmosis, Water News
Whether your kids are drinking water at home or in school, you never want red flags raised when it comes to the levels of arsenic in the water they are drinking. But in Sutter County, new state standards are causing some problems for the schools, who are looking at a...
Feb 27, 2012 | Bottled Water, Drinking Water, Drinking Water System, Health, Reverse Osmosis
Walk down any street in America and take the time to notice the choice of drink that people, particularly you people, are walking around with. Attend a sports function and notice what the fans are drinking while watching. Walk around any office, store, or other...
Jan 11, 2011 | Bottled Water
Surely you’ve seen all the articles in the news lately about the quality of water that is sold in individually portioned plastic bottles at a ridiculous price? Just this week, I saw yet another, titled “Best and Worst Bottled Water Brands.” You know...