Drinking water systems provide better quality water for any member of any household, but when it comes to pregnant women, filtered tap water may be more important than ever as a new study brings to light the dangers of tap water contamination and potentials for birth defects. Most pregnant women do whatever they can to sustain a healthy pregnancy, so this new information is something no expecting mother should take lightly. Pregnant women should be more aware of their tap water and the harmful effects of potential contaminants, along with the benefits and ease of one of our home drinking water systems.
In the Journal of Prenatal Medicine, pregnant women are cautioned that some tap water is tainted with lead, which can result in “spontaneous abortion, decreased stature, and deficiency in the neurodevelopment of the growing fetus.” These are serious effects linked to contamination! Furthermore, water needs to be taken in throughout the day because the body cannot produce enough on its own. Not only do pregnant women need more water, but this means they need to be aware of the water they are drinking. Drinking for two is important for a healthy pregnancy because adequate water intake is also necessary for optimal absorption of water-soluble vitamins which include ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, B12thiamine, and B6 pyridoxine.
A recent article from weather.com also highlights these same accusations. Author Jeffrey Kopman explains that contaminated drinking water from the tap can expose pregnant women to pollution that may be associated with birth complications, according to a study published in the Canadian Journal of Economics from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs found. “Fetuses are vulnerable to all types of pollution, including water contamination caused by chemicals and bacteria,” said Janet Currie, the Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. To avoid these potential dangers, pregnant women and households with vulnerable people should understand the need for caution and awareness. Home water filters and our drinking water systems effectively and efficiently reduce contaminants through innovative and advanced drinking water filtration technology. Our products provide you with pure, safe drinking water which will help to keep pregnant women and unborn fetuses healthier as outlined in this article. To read more, click here http://www.weather.com/health/why-pregnant-women-should-avoid-tap-water-20131009. Pregnancy is a time full of excitement and anxiety… eliminate worry over tap water with one of our drinking water systems today.