If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you know how much daily sneezing, sniffling, and itchy, watery eyes can affect your quality of life. Other than taking allergy medication, which is sometimes required, is there another way to combat allergy symptoms? Today, we’re going to take a look at how drinking water can help reduce the effects of seasonal allergies.
Drinking Water and Seasonal Allergies – Is There a Connection?
Although the beautiful blooms of springtime are certainly pleasant to see, you may not be so fond of them if you have seasonal allergies. That’s because the pollen that comes along with the blooms wreaks havoc on your system, setting into motion an internal histamine response that leads to watery eyes, an itchy nose, sneezing, and more.
So, how can drinking water help with seasonal allergies and their nasty side effects? Take a look at these important things that water can do and you’ll be reaching for a cold, delicious glass of water before you know it …
- Flushes out toxins – Drinking plenty of water can help flush your body of toxins, including those that irritate your system and lead to those not-so-pleasant allergy symptoms. The more you drink, the more quickly those toxins are flushed out and the less likely they are to build up and cause troublesome side effects.
- Hydrates your body – Staying well hydrated is important for all of your bodily systems, especially in the spring and summer when hotter temperatures cause you to sweat more and lose more fluid. Drinking water during allergy season is a great way to thin out mucus – you’ll feel less stuffed up and maybe even experience fewer congestion-related symptoms and headaches. If you’re one of those who likes drinking more water but don’t like the taste, you may find this blog helpful: 4 Ways to Hydrate If You Hate Drinking Water.
Although drinking water can certainly have positive effects when it comes to dealing with seasonal allergy symptoms, it’s important to realize that it is not a medical intervention. Always check with your doctor to see whether or not you may need further treatment to get your allergies under control.
Water Quality Matters!
Now that you know how drinking water can affect allergy symptoms, there’s one more important factor to consider – water quality. Even if you consistently drink the recommended daily amount of water, it could actually be hazardous to your health if your water is unsafe to drink or is full of harmful contaminants.
So, how do you know if your water is safe, clean, and contaminant-free? The best way to find out is with a water test. This is the only way to know for sure what is in your water and just as importantly, what is NOT in your water. Armed with this knowledge, you can then make an informed decision about whether or not your water should be treated.
One word of caution here … If your water test comes back showing that your water is contaminant-free, that’s great! However, it does not guarantee safe, quality drinking water in the future. Private wells and even municipal water supplies can become contaminated at any given time depending on what’s happening in the environment around you.
Whether you’re wanting to drink more water to combat seasonal allergies or you simply want to enjoy safe, great-tasting water every day without all the worry, a home drinking water system is the ultimate solution. You’ll get an endless supply of quality water right from your tap on a daily basis – no need to constantly test your water or lug heavy cases of bottled water home from the store!
For the best water treatment solutions in North County, give us a call today! Our water treatment technicians will be happy to help you find the best solution for you and your household.